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Mohua Singh

POSH (Part -1)

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)(POSH) Act, 2013. What is sexual harassment? Sexual Harassment is a form of offensive behaviour that involves unwelcome advances, comments, or actions of a sexual nature that create an intimidating,…

MSMEs and Corporate Governance

Introduction MSMEs, an acronym for Micro, small and medium enterprises, play a major role in the growth of the economy. They are the backbone of developing countries. As growth engines, MSMEs contribute significantly to employment generation (particularly for the poor…

Representation & Warranty

Representation – A representation is a statement of a past or present fact, made as of a moment in time to induce a party to act. Representations are assertions that the parties to an agreement make to each other, assertions…

Liquidated Damages

The Black’s Law Dictionary defines ‘Liquidated Damages’ as “An amount contractually stipulated as a reasonable estimation of actual damages to be recovered by one party if the other party breaches; also If the parties to a contract have agreed on…